Australian Standards Compliant
Pre Purchase Home Inspections
If you are buying your next home, preparing to sell or need an inspection ready for your next buyer to read prior to making a bid. The Inspection Agency is your place to go.
The Inspection Agency have a range of competitive and affordable Perth building inspection services all to the Australian Standards AS4349.1 which is the standard referred to in any REIWA contract of sale. Our reports are normally delivered same day of the inspection or at the latest within 24 hours.
All our Building Inspections include a 100% Money Back Guarantee.
The Inspection Agency meets all requirements by way of experience, training and qualifications of our inspectors for the purposes of obtaining the right insurance. We are fully insured with $1m indemnity insurance so you can have peace of mind when selecting us for your Perth Property Inspection.
Basic Assessment
7+ Pages
A basic structural assessment and report to make sure that the house is structurally sound.
Includes the following:
External walls
Ceiling structure
Internal roof structure
External roof structure
Ceilings and walls
Other structures attached to the home
Moisure testing of wet area walls
AS4349.1-2007 Appendix A Compliant
Standard Strutcural
15+ Pages with photos
All of the basic structural assessment.
Plus the following:
Internal wall structure
Doors and windows
Roof Drainage
Patio / alfreso
Retaining walls
Surface drainage
Garage / Storage Rooms /Sheds
AS4349.1-2007 Compliant
All of the standard structural assessment.
Plus the following:
Fixed cabinets
Fixed appliances*
Exhaust Fans
Ceiling fans
Heating lamps and elements
Hot water systems
Bath tubs
Internal drainage
Plumbing fixtures
AS4349.1-2007 Compliant
* Dishwashers. Spa baths, Alarm Systems and reticulation systems excluded.
Good Working Order
25+ Pages with photos